Thursday, July 13, 2006

chairman's running sheet

It's 7.15 and so let's get underway.
Blam Blam.
I'd like to declare this meeting open.
Thank you everyone for coming along tonight.
I'd like to welcome in particular our area governor Bruce Crawley who will be giving us a six minute address later on tonight and ... who is a special guest speaker.
Also I'd like to welcome our visitors tonight .. You're very welcome at our club and I congratulate you for coming along. I know it's not easy the first time.

For those of you who don't know me, my name is Daniel Dasey.
This is my first meeting as chairman and I hope you'll be tolerant of any mistakes I make or if things don't run totally smoothly. I'll be doing my best for you.
At this stage of the evening I'd like to ask everybody to introduce themselves.
Out theme this evening is showtime. That was chosen because this is the time of year when the royal easter show gets underway with its rides and showbags and livestock. We've also just had a major show in town with the rolling stones performing last night.
As we go around the room I'd like to ask everyone to introduce themselves and say a few words on the subject of showtime.
Graham could you please get us started...
Excellent answers.
At this stage I would like to ask if there is any general business that anyone would like to raise?
Any further general business?

Alright, we now turn to the assignment of tasks.
Our table topics master tonight is ...
Could we have two evaluators for the table topics.
Our reviewer tonight is
We need a general evaluator
We need a timer
We need a quizmaster. I will be happy to take on that assignment.
Is there anybody who has not been assigned a task who would like to do one?
The next item on the agenda is table topics. This is the part of the evening where all members and visitors get the chance to practice their improvised speaking skills by talking for a minute or so on an unprepared topic.

Out table topics master tonight is .... and I'd like to introduce him/her to take us though tonights topics. Please welcome .....

I see that the agenda indicates that
Let's have a 10-minute adjournment and meet back here at 8...
Blam Blam
Welcome back.
The next item on the agenda

Thank you for an exellent
I'd now like to turn the meeting over to for a general evaluation.
Thank you ..
Now it's time to vote as we do every meeting, for the clontarf gem.
Greg could you please explain the significance of the gem.


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