Thursday, July 13, 2006

speech 2

About Me (838 words, ran about six minutes)
Mr Toastmaster, fellow members and guests.
As you've just heard tonight I'll be giving a speech. It's my Icebreaker speech and second formal talk to this group.
I was a little unsure where to go with this speech. Whether to start with my birth in 1969 and summarise 35 years in five minutes. Or to talk about where I grew up or my interests.
Instead I thought I'd start with letting you in on a goal of mine. I've agreed to give a half hour speech to about 30 strangers at the end of October and I'm hoping to do the best job I possibly can.
I'd like to tell you how this came about.
What I do for a living is I'm a journalist. I've worked for the last few years for The Sun-Herald, one of Sydney's Sunday newspapers.
For the past 15 months I've also been the editor of the science page, which I really enjoy.
Each week I write a column about a different science issue from cloning to alternative energy sources to the science of pouring a beer.
Often it's about space - the space shuttle, exploration of other planets or the use of various probes.
This attracted the attention of a group of space enthusiasts called the Sydney Space Association and about six months ago they began asking me if I would come along and give an address at one of their meetings.
At first I thought about some of the negative experiences I'd had speaking in public and said no.
In particular I thought of giving speeches in front my high school english class - the sneering, smirking
and face pulling - and that was just from the teacher!
But recently I've been thinking it could be fun.
I've also been thinking learning to speak better in public could be a real asset in social situations and
at work.
So last week I told them I'd do it and I'm booked in for later this year.
I feel a little anxious about it, but I'm also looking forward to it.
And I've been thinking about what makes a good speaker and looking for speaking role models.
I've heard some excellent speeches here so far which I've found inspiring.
I've also been thinking about some inspiring speeches I've heard outside toastmasters.
For example I was at surprise 40th birthday for a friend recently.
He thought he was turning up to a family barbecue but instead was greeted by 100 people wishing
him happy birthday.
After a few minutes getting over the surprise, he got up and spoke beautifully for 10 minutes thanking
everyone who'd turned and explaining how he felt when he'd realised what was happening.
I thought what a fantastic skill.
Another colleague impressed me with his comic timing in a tongue-in-cheek speech to celebrate 25 years with the company we work for, Fairfax.
He said before he came to work at the company he was working elsewhere and had heard a lot
about it.
He'd heard that the bosses were all fair and reasonable; he'd heard that the wages were generous; he'd heard the best the hours were good; he'd heard there was a subsidised canteen.
And eventually he got a chance to work there himself.
And he found out it was true.
There was a subsidised canteen.
I really admired the flair he was able to put into the speech.
For the last minute or so I'd also like to tell you a little about my life.
I was born in Sydney and I've lived in Balmain for the past five years or so.
I love exercise and when a slightly dodgy achilles tendon in my left leg allows me, I like to play touch football and to do the Bay Run around Iron Cove. I'm also a swimmer and I've recently been playing the work mixed netball team.
I love travelling and I've been to about 25 countries now. I lived in France for a while after university and I try to speak French when ever I get the chance.
On a trip to Bolovia I picked up another passion - for dancing.
I was in a night club there and I was really blown away that in the latin cultures - unlike here a lot of the time - the guys got up and salsa danced with the girls. I thought it looked great and I've learned a few dance styles since - salsa, ceroc, and swing dancing from the 1940s.
I also dabble with the guitar and I meet up with various mates every second week for a jam and sing along. If any of you feel like dropping by some time you'd be very welcome.
So that's a little about me and what i'm hoping to achieve here.
I've found it very inspiring seeing the group give speeches and I hope to learn more as the months go by.
Thank you for your support so far and I look forward to getting to know you better.


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