Monday, October 08, 2007

Australian Space Science Conference 27/9/07

Discussion Forum
7th Australian Space Science Conference
Ladies and gentlemen,
Welcome to this discussion forum of the seventh Australian Space Science Conference.
It's a pleasure, and inspiring, to see so many of you here to share your passion for space science.
My name is Daniel Dasey and I will be your moderator this afternoon.
Our theme for the afternoon is ''Where To From Here''.
But before we begin our discussion please allow me to re-familiarise you with the distinguished panel we have been lucky enough to assemble today.
On the forum we have representatives from the CSIRO, from academia, from the space commericalisation sector and from the media.
In no particular order, they are:

Dr Miriam BALTUCK.
Miriam is the director of the Canberra Deep Space Communication Complex, the Australian facility I'm sure most of you know is used to track and communicate with all of NASA’s solar system exploration missions.
Miriam has an extensive background in space science.
After gaining honours and doctoral degrees in science she joined NASA in 1986 to manage its Solid Earth and Natural Hazards Branch.
In 1994 she was seconded to the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy.
She moved to Canberra in 1997 as the NASA Attaché at the US Embassy, Canberra and in 2006 assumed the directorship of the Deep Space Facility.
Professor Iver CAIRNS
Iver is the Chair of the Australian Academy of Science's National Committee for Space Science.
He is an Australian Professorial Fellow and Research Professor in Space Physics at the University of Sydney.
Iver is also a world expert in the theory and observation of waves and radio emissions in space, focusing on plasma physics.
His experience includes 12 years at the University of Iowa and 9 years at the University of Sydney.
Iver is leading development of the first Decadal Plan for Australian Space Science, seeking to develop and optimize Australia’s world-class capability in space science.
Dr Alex HELD
Alex has lived in Australia for the past 16 years working for the CSIRO.
He has a PhD in Plant Physiology from the University of California, Davis, and a Bachelors degree in Biology from the Universidad de los Andes in Colombia, South America.
He served as the Head of the CSIRO Office of Space Science and Applications - COSSA in Canberra, from January 2004 to December 2007.
He is now a Research Group Leader in the CSIRO Division of Marine and Atmospheric Research.
Roger is a graduate of Curtin University in WA and the principal of the new consultancy group, Earthspace.
This group is involved with civilian and defence space-related activities, specialising in space training and systems engineering.
Roger has been active in the European and the Australian space engineering industries for over 27 years.
In Australia, he has worked with Auspace Limited on several national programs including the Endeavour Ultraviolet Telescope, the Southern Launch Vehicle and in more recent times, the ARIES commercial Hyper-spectral remote sensing satellite.
While in Europe, Roger was involved with the construction and launch of seven commercial communications satellites.
Carol is the Assistant Director (Management and Outreach) at the Australian Centre for Astrobiology at Macquarie University.
Most of her career was spent in print, radio and television journalism before she moved into the university environment where she has engaged in astrobiology and space exploration-related science education and media.
She has a research Masters degree in Science Communication and is currently completing her doctorate in science communication.
She is a member of the International Academy of Astronautics, Deputy Chair of its SETI Post Detection Committee.
Wilson da Silva is the Editor-in-Chief of COSMOS, the awardwinning Australian science magazine, and Cosmos Online, the daily science news and feature service.
A former on-air reporter/producer for ABC TV’s Quantum science program, he served as a foreign correspondent for Reuters. Wilson was managing editor of Newton and 21C magazines, Sydney correspondent for New Scientist, science editor at ABC Online, and a staff journalist at The Age and Sydney Morning Herald newspapers.
He also stands to become one of Australia's first space tourists, by virtue of a planned flight with Richard Branson's Virgin Galactic spaceline.
Professor Michael TOBAR
Michael is an ARC Professorial Fellow with the School of Physics at the University of Western Australia.
His research interests encompass the broad discipline of frequency metrology, precision measurements and precision tests of the fundamentals of physics.
He is also the focal point of Australian participation in space experiments involving precision clocks and oscillators.
Michael was the recipient of the 2006 Boas medal presented by the Australian Institute of Physics.

As for me, my credentials are by comparison are far more humble.
I've been a journalist for the past 15 years, with 10 of those spent at the John Fairfax Group, working on both The Sun Herald and Sydney Morning Herald.
For the past four years I have written the Discovery science column for The Sun-Herald and SMH on-line, often covering space science and space exploration topics.
I've had the pleasure in that time of speaking to a number of today's panelists.
W live in an exciting age for those interested in space.
NASA is looking ahead to a new manned moon mission as early as 2020 and beyond that to a mission to Mars, perhaps as early as 2030.
The European Space Agency is pushing ahead with its own plans for a Mars mission, as early as 2033.
China, Japan and India meanwhile are surging ahead as space powers, developing plans for manned spaceflights.
A host of probes are slowly unlocking the secrets of objects within our solar system at the same time shedding light on the origins of the universe.
To some it seems like only a matter of time before traces of alien life are found either within our solar system or on Earth-like planets orbiting sun-like stars.
Falling costs mean that the ability to undertake space travel is moving from the sole domain of governments to the private sector.
Space tourism, including sub-orbital flights and space hotels, are becoming realities.
So too are low-cost commercial space flights for businesses.

But what role will Australia play in this brave new world?
Will a lack of funding lock us out of this exciting era of discovery?
From a broader perspective, what direction should the world's space programs be heading?
Where to from here?

1. Iver Cairns
Hospitals and roads need building, schools need to be funded and space programs are expensive. Why should a small country like Australia bother with a space program at all? What are the benefits?
2. Miriam Baltuck
NASA is undertaking some very exciting projects, not the least of which are manned missions throughout the solar system. Is there an on-going role for Australia in these missions and what do you believe that is?
3. Roger Franzen
It's an exciting time globally for the space industry and space commerce.
Is Australia too distant and too detatched from the main centres of space commerce to become involved. Or could we play a major role?
4. Wilson Da Silva.
Space tourism appears to be booming. New Mexico has announced plans for a space port. How can Australia grab a share of the space tourism market?
5. Michael Tobar
There have been great advances made in the degree of precision with which we are able to make measurements. Do you believe we have reached the outer limit of these advances, or can we become more precise still?
6. Carol Oliver
You're involved with the SETI program. Do you believe life will be found beyond the Earth and what role can Australia play in locating it?
7. Alex Held
How do you believe can we raise the interest of the next generation of Australians in space?


8. Iver Cairns
How can we convince future Australian governments to invest more in space science and the development of a space program?
9. Miriam Baltuck
How do you believe Australia can move to the forefront of the world's space community?
10. Roger Franzen
What niche space industries do you believe Australia would be well positioned to exploit?
11. Wilson Da Silva
How common will space travel by Australian civilians become over the next decades?
12. Michael Tobar
How will space play a role in the lives of everyday people in the future?
13. Carol Oliver
If life is to be found elsewhere, where do you most suspect it will be located?
14. Alex Held
What role will the space industry play in ensuring global food supplies and the maintaining the health of our planet in coming years?

Extra questions:
How can we produce more Australian astronauts like Andy Thomas?
How will space play a role in the lives of everyday people in the future?
What space technologies can we expect to see filtering down to everyday life?
Where can money come from if not from the government?
How can we promote Australian space expertise overseas?
Should australia become an associate member of ESA?
Where do we position ourselves in regard to China and India? US reaction
Do we have reason to be optimistic about the future?


Wednesday, March 21, 2007

surf test


Friday, November 24, 2006

Speech 10 - The Magic Pill

Ladies and gentlemen,
Tonight I'd like to tell you about an incredible scientific breakthrough, I think will be of interest to all of you.
A team of researchers working in universities on three continents has developed a new pill with extraordinary properties.
One small daily dose has proved to have dramatic effect on test subjects.
Those who take it have a far greater chance of retaining their intelligence and reasoning power as they head into old age;
They are far more relaxed than their peers and they enjoy life more.
The creative right brains of people who take the pill are far more stimulated than the brains of those who don't.
What's more this pill has other extraordinary effects, never before seen in medication. It makes you smarter.
People who take it find their vocabulary and general knowledge both increase dramatically. And they are less likely to misinterpret instructions or be duped by false information.
Ladies and gentlemen, as members and guests of Balmain toastmasters I'm pleased to able to offer you tonight, the chance to try this incredible pill and experience for yourself its amazing effects.
I have a sample here for you to see and try for yourselves....
(show book)
Please excuse my subtefuge.
I was telling you the truth when I said there was a treatment available that produced all those wonderful health effects I mentioned.
But it's not true that it's a pill. It is READING.
Tonight I'll be urging you all to read more. And I'll be explaining how much better off you'll be if you do.
We all know what reading is. As members of a public speaking group we are able to read and write. At school most of us were required to read various books as part of the course work, be it Shakespeare or Lord of the Flies.
But for many of us as adults, reading is something we rarely do. Many people might browse through a blockbuster on holiday or keep a dusty paperback by the bed, reading a page or two when we think about it. It's not a part of life.
And it's easy to see why.
We live in an age with seemingly endless options for entertainment and stimulation.
Blockbusters films and DVDs seem to be released almost on a daily basis, each one offering more special effects and heart-racing action than the last.
When most of us were kids there were four or five television stations you could watch, less if you happened to be growing up in a regional area. Today there are literally dozens of channels, offering everything from wildlife documentaries to period dramas to shows devoted to funny videos.
The internet has surged in the past decade. While it can provide reading material, for many people it is treated more as another source of videos. YouTube, a website devoted to showing television clips and funny home movies is one of the most popular and talked about sites in the history of the net.
Then there are the demands of work. While machines have reduced physical labour, many of us are working longer hours than ever before.
Add to that family, sporting and other cultural commitments and it's a wonder anyone ever even glances at a book.
But we should persevere and read more for our own sakes.
The American journalist Jill Brennan in 2005 published a list of the seven benefits of reading that I think make a clear cut case.
The first benefit is that reading provides us an escape from day to day life. Picking up a novel is a ticket to another country, a new time or a totally different dimension. For the cost of a $2 second hand book you can travel to 17th century England or Mars in the 25th century.
Number two: Reading is instantly relaxing. Perhaps its the requirement that to read you must stay still, perhaps it's leaving the real world behind, but picking up a book and diving in has the ability to lower the heart rate and slow the breathing.
Number three: Reading relieves stress. We all have things on our minds as we go through life and reading can be a good circuit breaker to clear our minds. In the UK, health authorities have encouraged people suffering from anxiety to read more as a way of improving their overall wellbeing.
Fourthly reading stimulates the right side of your brain. This is the side thought responsible for creativity. It's thought this effect comes about because reading, more than say watching a video, stretches your imagination and forces you visualise characters, locations and emotions.
Fifthly, reading is just plain entertaining. Fiction provokes in people a varied ranges of emotional responses from joy to fear to anticipation. Brennan writes ''there is a world of emotion in every story and you, as the reader, get to be part of it.''
Sixthly reading is enjoyable. It is a deeply satisfying pursuit and curling up with a good book is one of the most enjoyable pursuits we can undertake by ourselves.
Finally reading is rejuvenating. It's a quick way to nourish your soul and gives us a chance to take some time out for ourselves.
I think you'll agree Brennan mounts a pretty convincing case for reading more.
But since she wrote her list in 2005, science has produced still more good reasons for reading.
A 2006 by Dr Anne E Cunningham at the University of California found readers experienced a whole array of positive health benefits.
Readers had far better vocabularies than non-readers; whether they were naturally bright or not, they on the whole knew more about the world than non-readers.
Importantly for those of us concerned about getting older and losing mental faculty, reading protected the mind. Cunningham found older people who read were much better at tests for cognitive ability than their peers who did not.
The great thing about reading is you can tailor what you read to suit your tastes.
If you don't like Shakespeare you don't have to read it. If you hate Peter Carey, don't read his books.
You can read action novels or pulp fiction romances. You can devour the classics or stick Australian thriller writer Mattew Reilly.
Pick the right book and you can experience life on a pirate ship or in a cotton plantation or on the first fleet or in Tokyo.
The benefits of reading are still there.
And there are so many great books.
Just a few I'd suggest would be Harper Lee's To Kill A Mockingbird; the Sherlock Holmes series, E Annie Proulx's The Shipping News, anything by the great science fiction writers Jules Verne and HG Wells, Raymond Chandler's Phillip Marlowe private detective series, Schindlers Ark by Tom Kenneally, Tim Winton's Cloudstreet.....
So in closing.
It can be hard to read in an age that is so demanding of our time.
But please, pick up a book and read more.
You'll be more relaxed, you'll have a better imagination and you'll know more about the world.
Your vocabulary will be better and you will protect your mind against ageing.
Reading really is a prescription for good health!

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Sydney Space Association 18/10/06

Space Tourism
Closer Than You Might Think
Good evening and thank you for having me back to speak to you at the Sydney Space Association.
I was lucky enough to be asked along here to address you on the subject of the terraforming of Mars last year and it was an experience I very much enjoyed.
I hope those of you that were there that night also got something out of my talk.
Tonight I'll be talking about the wonderful idea of space tourism and the progress we're making towards ordinary people - you and me - leaving behind the bonds of gravity and travelling into space. Imagine being able to buy a ticket to the moon as cheaply as you can now buy a ticket to Europe. Imagine if booking a couple of weeks in an orbiting space hotel was as easy as booking a holiday in Fiji. Or if you could use your frequent flyer points to get on the international space station. Well, buying an afforfable ticket for space travel migbt be closer than you might think.
I'd like to start with an historical perspective, explaining what's happened so far and who the first space tourists have been.
I'd then like to look at what's happening currently and what your options are if you have a bit of money to spend and want to be a space tourist.
Finally I'd like to look ahead to what space tourism promises in the not too distant future.
But first for those of you that I haven't met before, please allow me to introduce myself and tell you a little about my background.
My name, as you've just heard, is Daniel Dasey. My background is in journalism rather than space science.
I've been a journalist now for 15 years and I've worked on The Sun-Herald, The Sydney Morning Herald and for a number of trade, regional and suburban papers.
For the past three years I have written the Discovery science column in The Sun-Herald each week, covering issues ranging from space travel to endangered species from genetic engineering to water conservation.
This year I have also started writing a blog - a web log - that deals with science issues on the internet page of The Sydney Morning Herald. People who visit the site can read my articles and then immediately post a comment, telling me whether they agree with what I've written or whether they think I've totally missed the point.
It's immediate and exciting and quite a change for someone used to working on a weekly newspaper. You get an instant feel for whether an article has connected with people or not.
I've had along time interest in science and space and continue to be a voracious reader of science fiction.
I'm a subscriber to the Australian Skeptics association magazine and a member of Australian Mensa.
Since I spoke to you last a year ago I've had the chance to write about some fantastic space issues.
The column has featured stories on the Japanese Hayabusa mission to the Itokawa asteroid; on the involvment of Australian company EOS in tracking and managing space junk; on the Stardust sample return mission and the stardust craft's 4.5 billion kilometre journey around the solar system.
I've had the chance to write about minibots being developed by NASA to explore planetary surfaces; about plans for floating spheres to be used in space; about the Sydney academic who has designed inflatable habitats for use on Mars.
The column has included stories on the KEO space time capsule; alternative methods of getting satellites into space; and on Wilson da Silva and Alan Finkel, Australia's first two space tourists. More on them later.
I was born in 1969, the year of the first moon landing, and as a child I used to read a book written in 1959 called You Will Go To The Moon.
Maybe some of you read it too.
It was authored by Mae and Ira Freeman, with fantastic illustrations, and told the story of an ordinary family taking a trip to the moon aboard a rocket. Once they arrived they even climbed up an incline to check out the moon house that had been built for them.
''You can see more from the top of this hill,'' the book read.
''Look! Do you see that house? That is the moon house. That is where you will live on the moon.''
To a child it was exciting and inspiring. The book made it sound like space travel for ordinary people was just around the corner and would be no more dangerous than, say, taking a bus between capital cities.
As we know, in the 45 years since the book was written, reality hasn't quite lived up to science fiction.
But we are making progress and space travel for non-astronauts is now a reality.
I should start by saying there's some debate over the exact definition of space travel and who the first space tourist was.
According to some camps it was Toyohiro Akiyama, a Japanese television reporter who the Tokyo Broadcasting System paid $37 million to carried on board the Mir space station in 1990. Akiyama orbited the earth in Mir for a week, doing broadcast and conducting simple experiments. However, he's generally discounted as a space tourist because he was a working journalist whose company paid for the trip.
Other camps suggest the first tourist was British chemist Helen Sharman. She was chosen by a group called Project Juno to become the first Briton in space and also flew on Mir. Her trip followed Akiyama's in 1991. However again she is discounted by most as a space tourist because she was a working cosmonaut with a full training regime.
The consensus opinion is generally that it was American Dennis Tito who paid for his own visit to the international space station on-board a soyuz rocket in 2001.
Tito got his chance to fly in space, in part because post-Perestroika the Russian space program was eager for injections of cash. It didn't hurt that it meant they would beat the Americans to a space first.
Tito was originally scheduled to visit the Mir space station, which at the end of its working life had been sold off to a private company, Mircorp.
Mircorp had a waiting list of wealthy individuals keen to become space tourists, but was unable to produce the funds necessary to keep the space station in good working order. It was deorbited in 2001.
Instead the Russian space program, which has about one tenth NASA's budget and was looking for ways of bolstering its revenue, accepted Tito's business.
In a deal brokered by the American company Space Adventures, the Russians agreed to fly Tito, a Santa Monica investment banker, to the International Space Station on-board a Soyuz rocket for $26 million.
Space officials from other nations, including America, initially objected to the plan, saying the trip would be a major inconvenience and they did not want to accept responsibility for his safety.
However, when Tito signed a deal absolving anyone of the responsibility for his death and agreed to pay for any breakages, they relented.The 60-year-old underwent intensive instrucyion at the Yuri Gagarin Cosmonaut Training Centre at Star City, about 90 minutes from downtown Moscow.He received flight training, zero-gravity training, ISS systems training, full medical flight screening and physical and survival training.
Fiinally on April 28th 2001, he boarded Soyuz mission TM32 alongside russian cosmonauts Yuri Baturin and Talgat Musabeyev and blasted off from Baikonur in Kazakhstan.
Not long after the craft docked with the international space station and Tito spent a week in space, assisting the crew when he could, but mainly just enjoying the ride of his life.
When he touched down on Earth again on May 6, he was exuberant and adamant the $26 million was money well spent.
"I've had the time of my life,'' Tito said..
''I've achieved my dream and nothing could have been better,"
Tito's trip showed space tourism was possible and it inspired others to do the same.
Three other missions have followed in the past five years, all booked like Tito's, through Space Adventures.
On April 25, 2002, Mark Shuttleworth a south African entrepreneur forked out $26 million to climb on-board soyuz tm34.
Following a year's training he spent eight days in space, most of it aboard the ISS, conducting experiments related to AIDS and genome research.
He was the first african national in space and returned to earth on may 5.
His reaction? "It was just the most wonderful experience ever. It was fantastic."
Next it was the turn of Gregory Olsen an entrepreneur and scientist from the united states.
He blasted off on October 1, 2005 aboard soyuz tma7 and returned october 10. His comments on landing: ``I was able to achieve my goal of getting into space and the highlight was just floating in air and looking out.''
Of course, the most recent space tourist was Anousheh Ansari who visited the iss after lifting off as part of soyuz tma9 on september 18 this year.
An iranian american, Ansari was the first female space tourist and brought a woman's perspective to space travel. She said the smell of space travel was like a ''burned almond cookie.''
In a blog that endeared her to many people Ansari described washing her hair by opening a water bag to make a huge bubble over her head, rubbing in dry shampoo and then being careful not to make movements that would burst the bubble into small pieces of water floating everywhere.
She confessed she had lost her lip gloss after it floated off in zero gravity.
Up until now the only other form of space ''tourism available'' has been travel by proxy and zero gravity flight within the earth's atmosphere.
A number of companies have been offering consumers the chance to blast belongings into sub- orbital space - about 100km - and then retrieve them. Goods ranging from car keys to photographs and humans ashes travel in a non pressurised compartment aboard a rocket which briefly leaves the atmopshere before crashing back to earth. The service costs about $150 for payloads up to 350 grams.
The other option is a zero gravity flight.
A Fort Lauderdale-based company Zero Gravity Corporation offers weightless flights. After paying out $5000 for a ticket, Passengers board a modified Boeing 727 which then flies parabolic arcs. As the craft rapidly descends towards earth from great height passengers float through the cabin, experiencing similar sensation to floating in space.
While these are both interesting concepts, I'm sure you'll agree no subsistute for real space travel.
But good news is at hand for those who want to experience space but aren't multi-millionaires.
Several private companies are now offering sub-orbital space flights for about $265,000, with operations beginning as soon as 2007.
If they deliver what they promise tens of thousands of people will experience the thrill of spaceflight in the coming decades. That's quite an achievement when you consider up until now less than 500 people have been in space.
The first private, manned space flight took place on June 21, 2004 when a craft dubbed SpaceShipOne left a Californian desert runway and flew into history and sub-orital space. In doing so the craft, designed by respected aeronautics designer Burt Rutan won the Ansari X prize, a privately funded $13 million award aimed at encouraging space tourism. 26 teams had been competing for the prize.
Three months later British entrepreneur Richard Branson announced he would acquire the technology with a view to beginning space flights within three to five years.
Planning is progressing well and we now know much about how the flights will work.
Passengers will be seated in an eight person spacecraft dubbed which will then be attached to a launchcraft, a specially-designed, conventional aeroplane.
The plane will take off and at a height of about 18 km, the spacecraft will be deployed and rocket itself out of the atmosphere to a height of 110 km.
Passengers will enjoy seven minutes of weightlessness before the craft descends to earth and lands like a plane.
The cost of a trip is about $260,000 and Virgin Galactic expects to become fully operational in 2009.
Despite the high price at least three Australians have signed up for tickets, virgin blue chief executive Brett Godfrey and science writers Alan Finkel and Wilson da Silva.
Thousands of others from around the world have also applied to be among the first passengers on the spaceline's flights.
But Virgin is far from alone in its vision for space tourism based around sub-orbital flights and several companies are rushing to join the market.
The American company Rocketplane Limited hopes test fly its sub-orbital space craft the Rocketplane XP in 2007 with a view to beginning commerical services shortly after. As with Virgin Galactic ticket prices are expected to be about US $260,000 with passengers experiencing four minutes of weightlessness after travelling to a height of 100 km.
Another American firm, Blue Origin, owned by by founder Jeff Bezos is more secretive about their plans, although it's believed the company is developing a vehicle called the New Shepard. Unmanned test flights were expected to begin at the end of 2006 and once passenger flights began, the company expected up to 52 launches a year.
In Europe a consortium of five technology companies called Project Enterprise is working to develop a rocket powered craft that will carry two to five people on a sub-orbital trip to an altitude of 130km. It began work in 2004 and the first commercial flight is planned for 2010.
Canadian company PlanetSpace is developing craft based on the World War II German V2 rocket. British firm Reaction Engines has high hopes for a craft designed to burn air like a jet plane at low altitudes, then burn oxygen at high altitudes. This will enable it to take off from the runway rather than piggyback on a rocket or aircraft, like the shuttle.
Space Adventures is taking bookings for a $140,000 suborbital space flight.
And I could go on, listing the plans of companies including Starchaser, Armadillo Aerospace and XCOR Aerospace. All propose suborbital space flights of between 100 and 160km and all hope to be operational in the next five years and selling tickets for between $140,000 and $260,000.To launch all these flights space ports are planned in locations ranging from Texas to New Mexico to Scotland and the United Arab Emirates and Nova Scotia.
Pundits says over the next decade prices are likely to come down to about $100,000 australian and beyond that to about $25,000. Not too far out of the reach of someone like you or me who is after a once in a lifetime splurge.
And the near future promises still more in terms of space tourism.
Imagine boarding a shuttle in a desert space port and a few hours later docking at a space hotel, orbiting high 360 km above the Earth. You and your partner clamber from a shuttle craft into the hotel, made up of inflatable modules, and settle in for a week's stay. Later that night you enjoy dinner in zero gravity, watching the sun rise over the Earth.
Your only problem? Finding the cash to meet the $1.3 million a night per person tab.
American hotel billionaire Robert Bigelow is leading the charge in developing just such a concept and hopes to have a resort up and operational in six years.
Currently his company Bigelow aerospace is pioneering work on expandable space modules. These are structures that are sent up into orbit in deflated state and then filled with gas once in space. The concept was intially developed by NASA and bigelow argues the structures will be strong and safe.
Earlier this year he successfully deployed Genesis-1, his first module for testing in space. He plans to follow this up with up to half a dozen furth modules in the next couple of years before launching Nautilus, a larger module in 2008.
Bigelow recently told Popular Science magazine he hoped to have his first space hotel, CSS skywalker, up and running by 2012.
For the concept to be viable he needs a re-usable craft, like the American space shuttle, that can ferry customers to and from his orbiting hotel.
With that in mind, he recently established America's Space Prize, a $66 million contest that calls on competitors to design and build a re-usable craft that would hold five people.
To win the money aeronautics companies, who must be based in America, must complete two demonstration missions to a height of at least 400 km by January 2010.
The winner would also be guaranteed first rights on a contract with Bigelow to provide passenger services to the hotel.
One of the companies who may just take out the prize is PlanetSpace who are reportedly developing just such a craft.
The company last year unveiled images of the Silver Dart, an eight person orbital craft which may also be used to provide commerical services to NASA. The ship is designed to glide from hypersonic speeds of Mach 22 down to landing.
Another near future space tourism option is the space walk.
Space adventures, the company which negotiated for Dennis Tito and the three other space tourists to travel into space, is offering future tourists the opportunity to leave the safety of the international space station and float free in a space suit. It's a concept that boggles the mind, experiencing zero gravity outside of a space craft. I can only imagine it would be one of the most exhillerating and yet humbling experiences a human can undergo.
But again, it won't come cheap. Space Adventures will charge you an additional $20 million for the privliedge on top of the $26 million for just getting into space.
Perhaps one of the next two slated space tourists, Charles Simonyi and Daisuke Enomoto will take up the offer.
As we move further into the future the space tourism experience on offer is likely to become more and more extravagant.
Russia's federal space agency Roskosmos has announced it is considering offering in the near future a $130 million trip to the moon.
The fortnight-long trip would include a week at the international space station before blasting off to the moon and completing a full orbit 160 kilometres above its surface.
A single tourist accompanied by one astronaut could go on each trip in a modified Soyuz-TMA capsule to be launched from Baikonur cosmodrome in Kazakhstan.
Critics have warned a trip to the moon poses far greater technical risks and danger than the relatively short flight to the ISS, experienced by space tourists to date.
The space station is only 360 km from the Earth's surface in low orbit whereas the moon is almost 390,000 km away and would take about three days to reach.
Still, I think it's very likely someone will soon come forward to accept the challenge.
Beyond that, if space tourism continues to prove popular we can look forward to a lunar hotel.
Former Hilton Hotel boss Barron Hilton was among the first to suggest the idea in 1967.
Speaking to the American Astronomical Society in that year he said his company would eventually branch out to a moon branch and he expected it would would be located below the moon's surface and include about 100 guest rooms.
Since then numerous groups have produced detailed plan for such a hotel.
In the late 1990s hilton unveiled plans for a modern five-star Lunar Hilton, with 5000 rooms.
It would have restaurants, a church and even a beach. Food would come from farms on the moon's surface and the ice discovered at the moon's poles could be used for water. Moon buses would transport guests on low-gravity excursions outside the hotel. They would first have to get used to wearing special boots because of the lack of gravity on the Moon. Peter George, the chairman of Hilton International said the company was in talks with NASA about a partnership to ship guests to the complex.
The Japanese company Shimizu Corporation also has plans for an inflatable resort, complete with tennis courts and golf courses.
Another Japanese firm Nishimatu Corporation Corporation produced plans for Escargot City which it hoped would comprise three 10-storey inflatable buildings shaped like snail shells.
In 2001 Hans-Jurgen Rombaut of the Rotterdam Academy of Architecture in the Netherlands designed a lunar hotel that he said could be up and running by 2050.
He said the design exploited the unique conditions on the Moon and the building materials available there.
Beyond the moon the course of space tourism really depends on how space technology develops.
With Mars currently a six month one way trip away it seems less likely as space tourism destination. But with improved space technology over the coming decades who knows what will be possible. I think it's idea, waking up in a hotel on Mars and looking out thwe window to see the rugged Martin landscape.
Who knows perhaps one day we'll see a Contiki package tour of the whole solar system, where you board a big red rocket ship and wake up at a new planet each morning.
Finally, I'd like to give the last words in my speech to Bert Rutan, the legendary aeronautical engineer who designed SpaceShipOne, the first manned commercial craft to fly into space.
When asked on a recent Australian visit about space tourism he said he believed in the next 15 years there would be flights for the public into space from Australia. He Expected orbital hotels not long after.
He said while it was neither safe nor affordable to fly the public into space yet, the time would come soon. "I do think I'll be able to see affordable flights for the public to the moon in my lifetime so, in the next 40 to 45 years, I think you're going to see that," he said. "I think you'll have resort hotels in orbit within 30 years."
As lovers of space, let's hope Mr Rutan is right.

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Tony's Eulogy

My name's Daniel Dasey and I met Tony at High School in the 1980s. We were friends, with a few gaps, for the next 20 years.
About a year ago Tony decided he'd like to get fit.
He'd been a good friend to me when I needed it, and so I offered to go running with him. We soon got into a routine.
Most Friday mornings at about 6.30 he would turn up to my place in Balmain, usually clad in a pair of Wests Tigers footy socks, sports shoes, tracksuit pants and a retro t-shirt of some description.
From there we'd head down to do the Bay Run around Iron Cove. We'd talk about what was going on in our lives as we walked a couple of kilometres and then turn around and sprint back.
The plan was to gradually build up to walking four kilometres before sprinting back another four kilometres
When Tony had his breakdown in June we'd got to about 3.5 kms. It makes me very sad to realise now we'll never get to four.
But there's also a lot to be happy about in reflecting on the time I knew Tony.
I remember being on my P plates and giving Tony a "driving lesson'' around Bradley's Head Road near Taronga Zoo. Driving my elder brother's little Daihatsu Handivan, Tony bunny-hopped almost the whole way round, his tongue sticking out and a grin on his face.
I remember visiting Tony when he was studying at the University of NSW and him showing me his mastery of the guitar, playing a funky version of Walk right in, sit right down by Doctor Hook.
I remember Tony being a regular presence at the house I was living at in Ultimo in the mid 1990s. At the time I flattered myself it was because he just wanted to see me, although I soon found out an attractive red-headed flat mate was also a major factor.
I remember being with Tony at Leichhardt oval last September watching on the big screen as his beloved Balmain Tigers smashed the cowboys. I can't think of a time I'd seen him more excited. He danced about hugging complete strangers clad in orange and black.
I remember earlier this year I asking Tony to take a role in a short film I was involved in for tropfest. He had a small-ish role, but with his cheeky grin quickly became a scene stealer.
But most of all when I remember Tony I remember his gentleness, his empathy and his ability to listen. He was an extraordinary friend.
I'm sure those of us who knew him will always remember his honesty, his understanding and friendship.

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

2UE Flying Wing

Boy would I like one of these. It is So James Bond.
You might remember your jet packs from the 1960s. You strap them on your back and go flying through the air, propelled by gas.
They are nothing compared to this.
A German engineering firm has developed a jet-powered flying wing and unveiled it an airshow.
It's basically a strap-on aircraft and at this stage its use is going to be restricted to elite paratroopers.
Over the past couple of decades aeronautical engineers have made enormous breakthroughs in the technology we use when we jump from great heights.
You might have seen the wing suits that a Sydney couple used two weeks ago when they set a world base jumping record in India.
These are nylon suits with fabric under the arms like a bird's wing.
When they pulled taught they create an aerofoil shape a little like a plane's wing. Normally when a jumper leaps from a very tall height they can reach a velocity of about 190km/h.
The wing suits give lift to jumpers and let them slow their downward speed to as little as 45km/h and increase their forward speed to about 145km/h.
Another variation on this which has become increasingly popular in recent years is the flying wing.
Instead of a suit, jumpers strap on a two-metre carbon fibre wing and are dropped from an aircraft.
The wing weighs about 20 kg and because it has the same aerofoil shape as a plane's wing, again it provides lift and slows how fast the wearer is falling vertically.
In 2003 we saw an Austrian daredevil cross the English channel with one of this wings strapped to his back.
What this German firm has done is take things a step further.
They've got a carbon fibre flying wing and installed twin turbo jet engines in it.
While a regular flying wing can take parachutists up to 50 km from where they have been dropped these jets allow you to zoom nearly 200 km away at speeds over 150km/h.
ESG says its device is perfect for groups like the SAS. You drop them say 100km from a national border and they can silently jet across into a foreign country wearing these wings.I spoke to academics at the Australian Defence Force academy and they said the SAS will very likely be checking these things out.

That's right, this is one for all those Star Wars fans out there and another case of science catching up with science fiction.
If you've seen the original films you probably remember a scene where the hero Luke Skywalker is receiving some tuition from Obi wan Kenobi about using his light saber.
To practice, Luke is using a little hovering sphere about the size of a soccer ball which jets away if he tries to strike it. If his concentration lapses it zaps with with a laser beam.
Now NASA and scientists at the massacheusetts institute of technology have made something very similar and demonstrated it in the International Space Station.
The floating sphere built by the techies looks just like the one in the movie. But rather than teaching light saber skills its designed to work as a repair drone, a satellite or part of a telescope.
About six years ago NASA thought it would re-think the way it operated satellites. Scientists thought it might make more sense to launch clusters of mini-satellites rather than one big bulky unit. It would be cheaper to get them into the air and if they operated in concert it wouldn't matter if one got zapped by a piece of floating space junk.
They commissioned some of the brightest engineering students to create some prototypes. What they came up with was soccer ball-sized spheres which float in zero gravity and can jet about using gas powered thrusters. The flying spheres use sensors and stabilisers to orient themselves in a room.
Last month astronauts on the space station tested one of these and found they could get around pretty well.
The next step is to adapt them. One use might be as repair drones which could float around in space and fix the exterior of space craft. The main use is likely to be as weather or communications satellites.

2UE Fish

You may think of the desert south of Alice Springs as a pretty quiet place.
Bit of red soil, a bit of grass and a few kangaroos hopping around.
But new research has shown it was once one of the most dynamic places on the face of the Earth, complete with erupting volcanoes, lava and newly-formed moutain ranges.
An Adelaide University academic says just south of Alice Springs is the spot where two early continents came together to form Australia and she's found evidence of the collision.
Up until the late 1980s most scientists believed that Australia as a continent had always been more or less in the shape it is today.
But about 20 years ago theories began being put forward that the country had been formed from a series of smaller early continents. It is thought that two continents that became northern Australia and Central Australia slammed into each other about 1.6 billion years
Kate Selway went bush and used a technique called ''magneto tellurics'' to find the spot of the collision. There is a certain amount of natural current running through the rocks deep beneath the Earth. Rocks that come from different early continents carry the current in different ways. By identifying the differences Kate was able to tell where one early continent ends and another begins, deep beneath the desert.
Her theory is that northern Australia, central Australia, southern Australia and northern Australia all came together at about the same time geologically. Eastern Australia came later. The volcanoes and mountain ranges that resulted from most of the these collisions have long since eroded away.
All this was before the formation of the super continent gondwanaland, many people will be familiar with. That came much later.
The band Gondwanaland of course came much later still!

That's right Mike.
It's a long-held belief that fish are dumb and have no memories.
The old saying goes that you don't have to worry about goldfish getting bored because they only have a three-second memory.
It turns out nothing could be further from the truth.
Culum Brown a researcher with Macquarie University has been studying fish for the past 10 years and says they not only have excellent, long-term memories, they're pretty good at reading symbols!
Culum put fish through a series of trials to see how smart they were.
In one test his team created a mock trawl net where fish in the lab were scooped up as they were swimming.
Culum put a small hole in the net and the fish could escape the net by swimming through it.
After being scooped up three or four or five times the fish learned the location of the hole and from then on always escaped.
That's pretty smart, but the amazing part is when the test was repeated a year later all the fish remembered where the hole was and could get out of the net straight away.
So much for the three second memory theory.
In another test the fish were put in a maze, with different lanes marked by symbols such as a red square, a blue circle, a yellow triangle.
Following one particular symbol meant the fish were rewarded with food.
Culum and his team found the fish used - guppies - soon learned what the symbols meant and would go straight for the food.
That means they were doing something pretty similar to what we do when we look a road sign or check which door to go through at the public loo.
Interestingly other recent research has shown fish are better at some tasks - like escaping traps - than dolphins.

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Blog Speech

Speech 9
Speak with persuasion
Mr Toastmaster, fellow members and guests.
To blog or not to blog?
That is the question.
Whether 'it's nobler to sit down at your computer and write an internet diary
Or better to keep your thoughts to yourself and avoid hassles with cranks predators and your boss
Forgive my tinkering with Shakespeare, but I believe that little speech sums up nicely the dilemma facing many Australians as we move into the 21st century.
Blogs - web logs - are becoming increasingly popular as more and more households connect to the internet.
Bloggers - people who write blogs - pour out their thoughts on subjects ranging from their family pets to the middle east, from surfing to origami.
But to some critics this is a dangerous business.
They say keeping a blog exposes you to the possibility of being stalked by a sexual predator; that you will be pestered by weirdos who will abuse you about your posts; that you will regret revealing intimate thoughts on-line; that you will be sacked if you keep a blog that mentions work.
Some of those of statements have a grain of truth in them, but blogging can be a overwhelmingly positive experience. Being a blogger can bring a richness to your life and become an outlet for self expression.
I'd like to tell you why all of us should consider keeping a blog.
If you're not familiar with where blogs came from let me give you a quick potted history.
Blogs are part of the internet, the worldwide network of computers that most of us now rely on to send and receive emails, trade goods on eBay and keep abreast with the latest news.
The net had its roots in the late 1960s when an Amercian government agency called ARPA developed a small linked network of computers.
Other organisations slowly followed suit and by the early 1980s universities began linking their together. The internet as we know it, linking continents open to commerical use, evolved from the early 1990s.
Most sources agree that the first blogs - then called on-line diaries - evolved about 1994. One of the first bloggers was Justine Hall, a university student who in the mid-1990s began writing regularly about video games.
The first sites were poorly read and early blog writers were often considered a little eccentric - geeky if you like.
But slowly the fad began to gather steam.
In 1997 the term web log was coined by a controversial diary writer called John Barger. This was quickly abrieviated to blog.
As internet use grew, blogs started attracting immense amounts of traffic. Popular writers began getting millions of visitors and the image of the blogger became cooler.
Over the past five years there has been an explosion in blog writing. Web hosts such as myspace and blogspot have made it simple to start a blog. You just hop on the internet, visit their sites, follow a few prompts and within five minutes you're blogging. You have your own site where you can paste pictures and text. Net users can then visit your blog and leave comments.
To give you an example on how much blogging has exploded one American blog site Xanga had 100 web diaries in 1997 compared to 50,000,000 in 2005.
Myspace has just launched in Australia and this is expected to prompted hundreds of thousands more Australians to begin experimenting with blogs.
I have a personal blog I've been playing with for about three or four months. Through my work I am also due to start a blog dealing with issues related to science.
Opponents of blogs will tell you they are dangerous things.
Because blogs are in a public forum and available for anyone to read, it's true parents should teach their kids to be weary of approaches by visitors to their sites.
Kids should not meet anyone they've talked to over the web without parental supervision.
Similiarly, bloggers can find themselves visited for the odd ratbag who uses abusive language. Like driving on the road, there are idiots on the net and they're best ignored.
Another tip is to be cautious of the way you describe your work. On a few occasions bloggers have been sacked for identifying the company they work for and talking about it in an unflattering way.
And of course, don't discuss personal things on the net if you're not happy with them being out there in the public domain.
But despite a small downside I would urge everyone to consider writing a blog.
It's free and and it's fun.
Just like a diary you can be as expressive as you want. You can blow off steam on something that irritates you or sing the praises of a pleasant experience.
You can review the local restaurant or a film you liked. You can support your football team or favourite band.
You can post pictures of your favourite surfing spots as I do on my blog or your child's art work or your visions for a space station.
You can talk about going to the ship or tell readers how you'd make the world a better place.
You may only have two or three or a dozen people who read your blog. And there's nothing wrong with that. It can be a way of keeping friends posted on what you're doing.
But if it grows you may have readers across the country and the world. You could meet friends and learn about other cultures.
If your blog becomes popular you may have the opportunity to influence public opinion. It's the ultimate form of self-expresion.
So to be blog or not to blog?
I say be a part of a positive and dynamic social trend and blog away!